I was toxic to my ex reddit. I was the toxic one in my previous relationship.

  • I was toxic to my ex reddit. She told me she had been cheating the past 5 months.
    She started posting pictures of how happy she is, videos, made vlog accounts, all without me, her best friend. I was a kid back then, compared to what I am now. There were a series of unfaithful incidents that made the cheating frankly unsurprising, and each of them I had to find out myself by invading her privacy. He’s also chased her, my other friend (21,f) and I in his car dangerously just so he could talk to her after a fight. She recently texted me and I’ve ignored it to process it. My ex was toxic, but I miss them I, m(25), was dating this women, f(23), for about 3 years. I deserve a healthy non-toxic relationship. I really regret my actions, and I’ve been supportive of him since I apologized, but I think the damage has been done. I met my ex L last October and we started dating in November. So, Is my ex a toxic person or is it considered normal? After months of agony and deep reflection, I decided to end my 2-year relationship with my boyfriend. I miss my ex I have trouble sleeping at night, and when I get bored it causes me to think about things in a way further sense. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. After the break up, she continuously treated me like shit, played games, and acted cold, lied, accepted gifts, started dating some guy right after me, and went out of her way to hurt me on instagram or facebook by putting up pictures of her So my ex and I broke up a bit more than half a year ago. We are here for that. He only contacts me cause he thinks imma reply and then says some bullshit to hurt me. Before I start giving you all my advice, let me tell you that personally, I had a toxic ex who dumped me. Not "restrict". He was physically abusive, which I only combatted with emotional abuse to regain any kind of control in my life that I could. but one day my ex decided to play with my mind . We accept the love we think we deserve and subconsciously you think you deserve this love so that’s why you yearn for it. I was glad as it was highly toxic and I was really unhappy, I know it was the right decision and that I deserve better but I just want some advice on how to stop missing her and keep myself motivated during the healing process. and have super healthy relationship we’re in truly happy . Throwing yourself on the floor to conceal my shoes and threatening to have me arrested or mashing food in my face are the most notable instances. Anyway, Nancy & my ex-bf were an item up until about 6 months ago, and now my ex-bf is hanging out with my friend Mary and coming closer. We were together for 9 months. I'm seeking help and avoiding triggers until life is stable again, I would love to tell them how I feel but NC until she decides she can forgive me, I really love her but my love seems to be toxic at the moment. Normal normal normal. We broke up about four months ago but she’s came back a couple times since then telling me that she loves me and wants to be with me for her to change her mind and cut contact the next day, me genuinely loving her always allowed her to do that but not To help clear some of that up and finally answer why breaking up with a toxic partner can be so especially brutal, Elite Daily reached out to the experts. I wasn’t ready for a relationship but my ex convinced me to try. If I do nothing, I might even be forced to bring out my phone in front of my friend and show that I've accepted her request. T. You never missed an opportunity to demean my intelligence and shame me for wanting to spend time on my hobbies and my friends. And while he did those negative things I mentioned before, I still think I was the toxic one in the relationship. I'm not going to, that's why I'm posting here. Also, I totally agree, allowing myself to be completely honest to her about how I felt and how much I missed her was just a huge burden off my shoulders even if it ended up delaying my healing. My ex popped back up about a week or so later on a Saturday afternoon begging to see me. Block. My reaction was like "oh no so horrible, how could you treat someone you love like that? " that reminded me of how I used to yell and verbally abuse like they were a stranger to me, not my partner. If both parties can maturely step away without toxic behavior then I can’t see why rekindling a former relationship couldn’t work. We were together 2 years and relationship at the begging moved very quickly he lovebombed me and for the first few months it was great then we'd have periods of problems My wise mind says no, let it go and be single. So I dissect my life and everything I’ve ever done wrong, and towards the end of my freshman year I met this really cool girl in a weird way and we immediately hit it off, but I went to a boarding school away from My ex that I have a child to called me a manipulator. Now my ex is threatening me saying to not text any of her We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I am glad you cut contact and ai encourage you to never look back. When I look back at this relationship, I don't only see a toxic woman with a victim loving man, I see a toxic woman with a naive and somewhat weak man. our relationship from the start was straight fighting and full of verbal abuse. Ive cried everyday regretting ever treating someone that loved me like that and eventually ruining my possible only love in my life (i feel like i will be forever alone now as i don't deserve being loved again). However your question was not why the relationship is toxic, but why women find it so hard to leave such toxic relationships. He would constantly get frustrated at me for the smallest things, and gave me the silent treatment until my anxiety would build into a panic attack. My ex wife came to my house and for the first time in 8 years we had a fight and a real conversation about things. We are both divorced single parents. She’s with someone else now but in curious if she misses me or feels bad for what she did. I have to focus on the reasons she was toxic: + She would verbally abuse me in the form of insults and awful swears. He will probably soon realise that the relationship was toxic and that it was for the best that you guys broke up. I blamed it on myself because of what he told me. Just my opinion but one of the best things I did for my healing was block my ex. 5 years. I stayed friends with her because all my other 'friends' had bullied me and also attempted to make my life miserable. But truly she was painfully toxic for me. I also brought her BFF to a concert of one of my favorite bands and she decided to talk to her ex who broke up with her who is 18 and she was 15-16. I don't want to give up on her but I also don't want to lose my friends. I (25,f) at the very beginning of our relationship I was in an unhealthy mindset and emotionally vulnerable from my past. I genuinely believed that I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. Every time my ex contacts me, I feel more disrespected. Th It was sickening to think that my son would witness how my ex treated me and learn it was OK. We started dating not long after, I was hesitant to date him at first but I had genuine feelings for him. I'm a mess! It's been super hard for me recently as I've noticed so many people go back to toxic relationships in their life even when they know it's bad for them. My recent ex (toxic relationship)- I do find them but I'm trying to work on myself. we hung out like twice a year or somthing insane but used to message eachother after a while i picked up on their toxicity. It’s honestly horrible. I had my first break up with my first love a month ago and now i have realised how toxic i was out of my anger and anxiety. Last time we talked (over a month ago), I told him to leave me alone I don’t want him contacting me. And I blocked him on everything. Well today after 7 years of being with my ex off again on again (because of her cheating and lying) I finally got the courage to block her. He broke up with me only because I just kept trying & he never did. = irrelevant in relationship #2 = idk Why we wouldn’t have worked My ex took down all our pictures together, I saw it and was heart broken. I'm just hurting. Plus you can feel good knowing you saved an innocent life that is incapable of anything but true love. Manic episodes and general instability in-between made me s real bastard. He still hasn’t processed or accepted yet which is okay, it’s a really hard thing to do. Any time I missed him or felt lonely I’d re read the list. Aug 15, 2021 · Well, rest assured that you are completely normal. it wont benefit you it wont help you, youll just keep thinking about all the good times but you have someone who’s giving you something better and its better to be realistic you Don’t let getting lonely make you reconnect with toxic people. Turns out all these years all she wanted was for me to love her instead of just tolerating her. My toxic ex has reached out since our breakup 8months or so ago about every month. We met at a party and there is a whole story there about red flags I should have seen before getting involved with her. So he’s not even breaking NC to say anything meaningful. It is not wrong, and would not be a bad thing to report him for threatening suicide. I never meant for this to get so ugly & bitter, even though my actions say otherwise. Next day I went to therapist and we decided to focus on my anger problems, my lack of empathy, toxicity and the important change I have to go through plus I said I wanted to get my ex back or at least show him I can change. Also a break up puts two people in a vulnerable spot which makes one or both want the other because we see things with rose tinted glasses. got the better of me and I had a nervous breakdown. If she doesn't have full control over our daughter then she changes something so I am out of the picture again and again. we had been dating for around 6 months by the time i realized how toxic she was. I made a list in my notes app of all the things I disliked about my abusive ex and all the awful things he did to me. ” There are plenty of circumstances when couples separate on good terms just to find their way back. It doesn’t matter who or how she is. I even feel it to this day like I’m not even worthy of someone’s love anymore - all his comments are embedded in my subconscious in a way. After breaking up, I've realised that he has a pattern of dating women which I didn't catch before. Depends on why the “EX” became the “EX. She also sent pictures of me to some weird people she met without my permission. When leaving the relationship with my narcissistic ex, I knew it was going to be one of the most difficult/emotionally devastating, but absolutely rewarding, decisions that I made in my life. He said my ex wouldn’t reply to his texts or calls or show interest in him (the friend) which has deeply hurt him. how they were acting We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Our relationship ruined me and I have to build myself back up so I can also be perfect for the man I love. Here’s understanding the behaviour of I'm a toxic person as per my ex partner before we broke up I have a huge storm and pressure hit me so much that time that's why I'm so quite lately then time come he broke up with me and the pressure, stress, emotions, start hitting me more than I expect then I did not contact him for 24hrs while I'm trying to fix the 1st storm but new storm come same day same night and I dont know what to do A few days ago I realized I (19F) was addicted to my ex-boyfriend turned best friend (19M). It was my first real relationship and I had deep rose colored glasses on the whole time. I rescued a dog with my ex lol (for myself). If you have any temptation to look at your ex's instagram you need to block them. Proud of you for admitting these faults and working on yourself to get through these issues. my first time with my ex was wirhout my consent, he later said i was just scared when i confronted - but he was upset that i went rigid. I still wonder wether my ex talks about me at all, even though I hate them with my entire existence. As time went by, I realized how toxic I had been and started to work on myself and changed for the better. A little over a year ago I met my ex and we immediately clicked. I, 16m had a ex, 15f, who is now my gf again, and I have no regrets getting back with her. Idk. I read it A LOT, and damn there were so many awful things about that sorry excuse for a man. Don’t overthink this. I lied, cheated, manipulated, and gaslighted my ex. And I say this because my ex tried to come back. But anyways, a year ago we had the best weekend together so he’s been on my mind a lot lately. My mom thinks that my sister is the problem. The second stage was blaming him for being a toxic person. i need some help, me and my boyfriend(ex) were dating for 3years until about a month ago we broke up, and i still think about him all the time. It is my fault that the relationship ended because my anxiety would stress him out. Yes, more people have had negative experiences with contacting their exes. Do you have a friend/family member that you're close to who you can confide in and talk through these feelings and who will help keep you strong so you resist that temptation to get back into a bad situation? Toxic relationships keep a huge hold on us in the worst ways possible. But her instagram was public, so I'd go on incognito About a week or so later, my grandma passed away and I went through a depressed phase. Get help, counselling, support groups or therapy, if finances are a concern there are free resources out there, ask a Dr or google search in your area. During this interaction she swore she'd changed and how I was the "best man she had ever met" and only wanted to be with me and how badly she wanted to marry me. I immediately blocked her on everything, social media and through text. we never ever had a good day. everyday felt like an endless argument, and it never stopped. She was my very first girlfriend. If those worked you wouldn't be in this situation. Below is a list of toxicity I have done to my boyfriend: In the beginning, my boyfriend (m24) went to study abroad right we got together, and I felt insecure at one point I accused him of cheating on me out of no where with no evidence. Your ex may have seriously hurt 25 m here My (22 f) ex ended things with me for the fourth time and each time I’m devastated about it. Not "see less". My advice is do your best to avoid thinking about him or looking at his Facebook or anything it wont do you good yes its fine to wonder about it but think about it. I want him to feel the loss of my son like I did. My ex lied to me for a very long time. I cheated and was toxic to my ex She was manipulative and pretty crazy at the start of our relationship where she’d say something like “I want to kms - you only make me happy - I don’t have a future” (she had to go to the hospital once cause she cut herself at our “first” breakup) but she improved as time went on. Dec 3, 2021 · Understanding ‘toxic ex-spouse syndrome’ and why they behave the way they do. UGGGGGGGH NEVERMIND THEN!!! I HAVE SO MUCH ON MY PLATE!!! 😠" This is where I got mad and drew the line in the sand. I'm so trapped and tired. We clearly are bad for each other and need to work on ourselves. My wife has a toxic ex in her past. I was partially toxic as my ex was, the difference between us now though is I’ve accepted it and apologized, and grew from it. I hate him, I’m past giving him second chances when our friend group was close. My emotional mind says I miss her and her laugh and her hugs and attitude problem that drives me so crazy but I love at the same time. But, If you want to stay friends with her, I would 1) start to understand that she’s in a different place, 2) stop setting her up with people you know because she isn’t polite to them, and 3) set clear boundaries about how much you can talk about her I came to this board tonight to post a similar post. I was a bit toxic in the relationship but only because I was insecure cause she was flirty and showed no affection. It felt like he was perfect for me and we even had started planning getting an apartment together when he got out of the navy and I got out of college (around the same time). Often the "crazy" ex isn't all that crazy and she is warning you. I held on to a lot of false hope, in hoping he would change but nothing ever really did - in fact it only really got worse. To this day I’m not sure if it was love bombing or if what we had was genuine. Ps-I do not miss my ex, I don't care about him at all. And I feel so burdened with guilt and shame that I am here, right now, telling you, that I'm glad we ended things so I could meet my perfect partner. Seems you’re more bothered by a general expression than people not having courage to do right by someone. Here are a few tips to get you through it. At When Before I Process everything he Punched me in my Right Eye. It took me a LONG time to recover from narcissistic abuse. It's going to hurt. They asks for divorces, get them and still turn out to be the one angry. We had dated from 2015-2017, decided to break up due to religious/cultural incompatibility, but still stayed friends and even friends with benefits (will get back to that in a sec) for the last 2 years. I'm tired of being treated badly and I'm done. He was my everything, and as a result, I lost myself. I empathize, I just got out of a 9 month toxic relationship with my narcissist ex on Sunday. Some men not knowing how to treat women respectfully may contribute to the relationship being toxic. Sometimes, you just need help or someone to listen to you. The relationship became very toxic. Let’s call this friend as Sheri. Speaking from recent experience of having my friends ex go after my ex, they're not your friend, they only care about them self, they're just cowards. He shares custody of his 2 sons, let’s call them James (6) and Paul (4) with his ex wife, with whom he’s described his relationship as toxic. But I Told him to go back to his Shelter since were A few Steps from my building that when he got toxic again and Accused me for trying to see another man and I had Processed he'll never Change. Dumpee: I have two reasons why I blocked my ex To help me heal and it prevents stalking. It took having these thoughts for me to even realize how abusive his behavior was. Toxic ones are worse. *** My bad, I was getting gas. I wish I would've noticed & acknowledged the severity of my actions before it was too late. After we broke up he has been posting all kinds of things. This friend was told to block me because she is also being manipulated by my ex and I still had her number and insta so of course I messaged her. I offered my ex to go to therapy numerous times and expressed deep concern in his behaviour. I’ve never responded or read the messages. This is my first relationship. S, F you, you're a slimy C. I honestly dont think i will find a partner who understands me because arranged marriage is the norm in our community, and i will be looked down upon for not being a virgin. She brought the worse out in me too. If anything rescue a dog and that’ll give you a new love and a new hobby. It is because women thrive on drama and attention and the toxic relationship gives them something to talk about. I want them to have a good life. My friend Mary knows Nancy although she did not really keep a close friendship with her as she got more entangled with me over the years. He's told me that he doesn't forgive me. So it made me feel terrible and wonder how oblivious I was to my behavior for most parts. But it was hurtful, it was scary, and it was confusing. To give some background, my friend has been dating this guy on and off since 2020 so for nearly 2 years. I almost committed suicide because of what C did to me, so that hurt. She was those things when you laid down with her too. Even though that friend is considered “family” and she’s nice to me and my parents, I believe my sister when she says that that “friend” is a toxic person. Backstory, we were together for about 3 years. I was 17 at the time and there were a bunch of small factors that contributed to our breakup like broken trust(not cheating) and different life choices and ways of doing things. I'm telling you this because I want to hear someone tell this to me. In my head I thought I was being romantic, trying to message my ex everyday after we broke up to show them that I was wrong for my past behaviors. I have severe trust issues, even him leaving for work makes me queasy. I don’t know what to do, he’s the most important person in my life, I love him so much. I had finally moved on . later And I love him. She stuck by me even when I was terrible to her and closed Actually, I am not only indifferent for her, I am also for indifferent for my naive and petulant past self. i explicitly pushed him away and He said to me, that he was being aware he was not treating me right (he wouldn't give me any affection, pospone plans with my family all the time and spend little time with me or my interests), and he had to be with someone with a better selfsteem (I am the type of person that apologises at all times). I recently ended a toxic relationship, but I still miss my ex terribly. It went something along the way of: ”I’m happy” ”I had my beauty surgery” which is something she always really wanted. I'll get better. I eventually ended things a bit before my dog was put down and now my life is so much better. You even considering being an absent father puts your character into question. My poor fiance, and the people that followed. You can even write the list out of it sticks better I feel so dumb and my other ex was a really good guy but I just wasn’t over my toxic ex because we didn’t get closure. But I didn’t mean it to be harsh. So my abusive ex reached out to me yesterday. Was my ex toxic ? I'm struggling to process things So kinda long post ,we broke up 2 months ago and he was my first love after a constant loop of having bad dating experiences. However, whenever they happen to see each other he acts like nothing ever happened. @gundyr my ex had a dog too and it was best friends with mine but there will be a better girl with a better dog. We were also together for almost 2 years and he left me. we would only hangout on special occasions because they only cared about social image to others. I want him to be deadnamed every day. He broke up with me over the phone in the worst way possible, telling me he had lost feelings for me months prior. I won't go into what triggered my episode but I forgive it, just need to forgive myself for what it made me do. 3 months later I got with a different person and then i accidentally adopted some of my ex’s toxic traits = relevant and switched in relationship #2. Regardless of gender, if someone has made a decision they regret and are not communicating or confusing someone they’ve already hurt because of their “fear”, THAT is toxic. My ex gf and I broke up under 2 months ago. It was love, it was fun, it was new, and it was wonderful. I(f24) have totally ruined a perfectly fine relationship myself. I love my ex dearly and I miss her every day. The things he got mad about were trivial: me wanting to spend the evening alone because we spent the past 48 hours together, me telling h I meant you don’t know that for a fact. It’s a long story but every know and then I’d find some sort of text or message on her phone that raised a red flag but since I was lonely and in love with her I always either ignored it or when I asked her about it she would make up some lame excuse and I believed her and felt like I was crazy. The thought of seeing or hearing from him feels like it sets me back immediately. We dated since we were 16 years old His life was always crazy but I stood by his side because I loved him so much. My ex recently left me for a guy I considered was my friend within a week of breaking up. After this my toxic ex-friend blocked us both suddenly and then started harassing us constantly with fake numbers. How do I stop loving my toxic ex and get my other ex back? Edit: the other post you see was for my friend, he needed advice (I wrote it for him since he doesn’t understand English that well. I believe she was toxic and it had my self confidence at the lowest it’s ever been. and my automatically gained intrusive thoughts of him . he was so sweet at the beginning of the relationship so we started dating but about A month into the relationship he wanted a Break and this was at night, but then the next morning he wanted to get back with me and told me how much he loved me. After some self reflecting last night, I realized, it was something that movies taught me, and it’s a heavily toxic trait. couldn't control himself when he is mad and will do everything to hurt you because he felt hurt. What you're going through is totally normal for abusive relationships. O. I decided to write a letter to my ex with absolutely no intention of them seeing this. I lost my shit and became desperate and crazy and went to Amherst to get him back. I have dreamt about her every night. I was the toxic one in my previous relationship. I fully blocked my ex on social media. It was extremely toxic, with him treating me poorly, from comparing me and talking to other women in a suspicious way to turning the tables whenever I addressed issues, leading me to always apologize in the end. I thought I could fix my ex and make him We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. So K was my only friend, but she was also BFF's with C, and always took C's side. We’ve been in this on-and-off cycle for 3 years and I’m finally at a point where I need to walk away if I ever want to be in a healthy relationship. It’s I broke up with my ex because the relationship was toxic (from both ends) over a year and a half ago. I was just saying, if you don’t try, you won’t know. Since then I have been working hard on becoming better. Hey everyone, As the title says, one of my best friends keeps going back to her toxic/abusive ex and I'm emotionally drained. I don't even know if I can type them on this subreddit, but whenever she's angry she'd yell: "You P. He’s Keyed my friends (20,M) car thinking that she was sleeping with him after the breakup which he wasn’t. my longest relationship was 8 years and it took me almost 3 years to heal from it completely to where I We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. My toddler, my dog and I were at my ex house when his ex was dropping off the kids. Don’t feel guilty, to be honest, breaking up with my ex has felt so relieving and liberating. With my boyfriend now he loves my cooking, he loves the side my ex hated about me, he never tells me I’m ugly for wearing heels and I don’t have to endure hard sex where I would end up with bruises and wounds yet when I told my ex I didn’t like it he just laughed and was happy he managed to leave bruises on me. I think the only thing bad about it is it's clearly not good for anyone's health and we need to learn to move on. Some may find it petty, but that’s how I view it. My ex who I was very much in love with, was cheating on me for months and I didn’t know. U. Try not to best yourself up, it's "just another brick in the wall" or just another hard kick in the nuts. And thus a year of progress suddenly went back to square one when just mere hours before the incident I was at the top of my graph of getting over him. I did this because my ex is so manipulative that that’s her way of trying to get me back in her life and I didn’t want to feed into it. I also miss my toxic ex, and I'm unfairly comparing him to my current partner. I know we can't tell people who they can or can't associate with but it says a lot about who someone is by their actions & choices without being told or asked. Although if my ex did that right now, it could go either way. This is how much I have grown. I miss my toxic ex I cant help it, he seemed so perfectwhy does it have to be that one thing that is a huge deal breaker. You did the right thing. . He blamed me for the break up and I believed him. It is good to hear that you have been able to heal from the breakup quickly enough and you are sure it was the right choice for you. I did treat her badly last few weeks of the relationship and wasn't willing to do the work to make it work. You deserve to be happy but you gotta go through the emotions, it’ll get better. (for context to the storys make sense we were long distance) So recently i broke up with my girlfriend and ofc i found myself looking back on our relationship like normal and i thought some stuff she got mad at was a little toxic but idkk shed always get mad when id message other people than her well more upset now there were times were i messed up and talked to people when we said it would be Shortly after, I saw him at all kinds of music gigs with Nancy. Completely destroyed every ounce of confidence I had at one point. She told me she had been cheating the past 5 months. I (f20) recently went through a breakup with my ex (m22). Like they weren't even my equal partner that deserved respect. Here is what they had to say. Listen to your gut. But I keep feeling guilty and sorry for my two kids that such has been the situation and I don’t know how to be there for them without impacting them mentally. We were together 3 years. She replied with "My daughter is already handing out food for the funeral. I ended my relationship months ago but I reached out to my ex & he responded. I don’t want to be like this, I don’t know why I am. almost ruining your whole life. One of my friends texted her mom about all of the things she has been doing online. And she ended miserable the whole time and I couldn't do anything and it felt awkward. I just know I've lost the one and it kills me. I can be controlling, and not like when he talks to others. I invite you to read my first ever reddit post, which details me leaving a similar situation to yours. I’ve found healing in cutting all ties with him. So I threw his jacket to him and told him stay out me and My Baby Life. Those were the worst days of my life so far. Unfortunately I didn't realize the kind of person I was until this Saturday. If he is innocent there should be no red flags. But it’s been a month. I want him to suffer all the body dysmorphia you can imagine. If it helps, my sister stopped being friends with someone who used to be a long-time friend. He lost the privilege of knowing anything about me or my life when he decided to break up with me by text after three years of dating and lying to me. After a year, you left me scared, anxious and insecure. Alone by the way you are right now it shouldn’t be a question if they is toxic at all (still I highly suggest they is because leaving someone in that condition isn’t really possible without being abussive), the right question is: is they really a good choice to spent your life with them - and they clearly isn’t. Seriously man. People don't update what's going on in their life every two minutes, I don't have to see some random dude posting a video of him drinking or on vacation with his daddy's money, I don't have to see shitty memes posted by big ass pages who stole it from somewhere, I only have to join the subreddit I am interested in, I get to see creative people, porn is voluntary and is blurred even if you want That's a pretty common experience for people who are used to toxic relationships; it's good that you recognize that it's a bad idea. I feel myself wanting to be with her again, albeit taking things very slowly, but I know NO ONE in my life will accept it. Whenever my ex and I have meaningful conversations I tell my husband. Hello Reddit, I’m back again spouting my woes online into a void where I can hopefully heal and just get on with my life. The Ex on whom he had always been hung up on, the Ex because of whom I was nothing more than a rebound to him. Now that we've been in NC for 7 weeks post break up (she dumped me bc she wasn't in love anymore and said she deserved better). The truth is that it is entirely normal to find yourself realizing, “I can’t stop thinking about my ex” after the relationship ends. Relationships are hard. A few days later she calls me up, saying she still misses me, loves me even and cries every night before sleeping. This was when I would look through instagram posts explaining to me "10 signs your ex is a narcissist". This sounds just like my ex. During the breakup in April he said he'd wanted to dump me since before Christmas, but in that time period he said "I love you" for the first time and talked about long-term plans and agreed to go on holiday with me and said so many times how happy he was, how much he loved me, how lucky he was to have me. M saw my text and flipped out. I want him to feel as broken as I was when he abandoned me in my worst moment. There's been such high "highs" and low "lows" that your brain has become used to the extreme swing of emotions/chemicals. NTA because she’s making your life super difficult by treating your friend badly and really just dragging this whole thing out. I knew her from before because she was my colleague. I knew I needed to leave, learn how to love myself, and find someone who would treat me with respect so that I could be a better role model for my son and bring him up I’ve realised that I do not want to be with such person. My thoughts are that we should take a long, long time dating each other incognito before revealing it to everyone. I just really miss her and having her around but I need to convince myself this is the last time. I discovered that I had some unprocessed trauma related to love and the way my parents behaved around each other that crept into my relationships. If my ex contacted me to give me answers I wouldn’t be opposed right now. I do have to say though, my worst ex has bpd and bipolar, and I think it helped me forgive her in a way after all the shit she did to me. We will first look at the reasons why you might be left with some reoccurring thoughts and flashbacks. I wanted to reach out before, telling her I forgive her. It's been a week and for some reason everything in me wants to go back. It was on and off situation for years and it was not the best yes however it was something at least she asked me to be her gf but I could not and during these years I have been through a lot I was working on my issues and all that I really saw a future us so I continued to do so, I won't deny and say I was the best I could be I was trying to be the best version of myself, at the end of last I just want to get this off my chest and I can't talk about this to anyone so Also sorry for possible mistakes, English is not my first language. You dont hafta engage with her or her friends, just dont be blind. later My (30F) boyfriend (40M) and I started dating 6 months ago. Why do I miss my ex so much? When you miss your ex, you probably wonder if it is normal to miss them so much. She divorced him after 10 years of marriage because he was violent and did not pay attention on her. We all do but your boyfriend deserves to be happy now he's got in the back of his head that you might not be 100% with him and that right there is the start to lil arguments resentment etc. The lies, the cheating, the argument starting, the passive aggressiveness. Here, let's see what to do when you can’t stop thinking about your ex. i cut off my "best" friend " " too they were just trying to keep me hanging onto nothing basically. You shouldn’t drink poison because you’re thirsty. My ex was toxic. Normal. It's far from okay, but who doesn't want to get back at their abusive ex? Your ex was a piece of garbage, and so is mine. I cheated emotionally with my boss and ended up kissing as well. he texted me that he was in the hospital and wishes I was there for him … I obviously felt bad for him . I’d say apologize for hurting them & explain yourself. Being told that my suicidal thoughts were my fault. I wrote this after a breakup. I just don't understand why my emotions are still on his side after everything he has put me through. I'm the third person he has done this to. His friends were really bad influences & his mom was toxic also. Had an ex almost over a decade ago now and i still can't stop thinking her fucked up attitude and the way she treated me. Me & my ex dated for 5 years. When he came back into her life, she went along with being friends with him and his wife for a time (we would all hang out). He will get the help he needs when he is ready. Now I know what to do. What started out as a relatively healthy breakup to an already damaged relationship has now become a toxic wasteland because I lack emotional maturity & self-control. From my experience and that of my friends I would say be careful, but do not ignore what she is telling you. I’m (25F) going through a breakup with some guy (26M) that I wasn’t even in an official relationship with. I didn't realize at that time how bad things had been when they were together, as with many people like that, he was a master manipulator, and seemed like a decent guy to me when we all Okay well with all the respect, and this is my opinion by the way you do deserve to be happy right. He starts dating someone then he meets another woman befriends them and when he starts developing feelings for the new one, he dumps the old one. I know I'm not, but yet she's always been a narrasist towards me for 7 years. After months of agony and deep reflection, I decided to end my 2-year relationship with my boyfriend. I will most likely never try hang out or even reach out to her ever again, but through my own self-betterment, I no longer have any ill will towards her. I don’t love my ex anymore, but they still haunt me. Sep 22, 2021 · If a no-good ex shoots you a text seemingly out of nowhere, it can feel scary or overwhelming. I’m getting ready to just drop the entire thing and move on entirely. Even when he lied to me about smoking pot, or slammed his fist on a desk out of anger, or missed my 21st birthday to play video games, he was mine. I don’t really understand the “send the email/text to yourself, don’t send it to him/her” camp because for me, knowing she read that and still For me, I found admitting my partner cheated on me to be a huge sense of relief, I held a lot of shame about it initially, but talking about it helped make it real and it allowed people to support me. If I don't and actually delete the request, she'll get one of her friends (who goes to my school and is also my friend) to ask me why I hate her, over and over. Long story short, been with my ex for 1. Since 2020 hes consistently treated her like shit on and off. For instance a few months back I had a conversation where I told him I know we used to have a very toxic relationship but we’ve both grown as people and I’m not the same person I used to be, that I am happy he is happy and am glad we are friendly. N. I understand the whole sex thing because god sex with my ex was like the world was shaking. Theres a whole long list of things he has done to her, Including cheating, harass Just listen and answer honestly if it's over it's over you already made that choice some times people just feel the need to say them last words as closure, I wish I had that chance with my ex best friend her one sidedness and double standards coupled with narcissistic behavior didn't allow that she used me took almost 10k from me and threw me away like trash there's troubled people and there Throw away account, I just need advice. It's okay though. It was very devastating for me (even though I was the one at fault) because I truly cared for him. He agreed to trying for another week. By day 6 my anxiety and inability to eat, sleep, etc. From what college I went to, my friends, my car , my career to even the places I went to. xhld vksicuo vqjbefv pjeaf iat afuit let mfcuf byj rsm