This guide will explain how the builds are used to help you unlock all the skills for MUL-T. Regardless, I NEED to talk about MUL-T with saw hands. They make really good boss dps with their lasers. 218K subscribers in the riskofrain community. Mul-T already does amazing damage early game. If you then press space and release shift right after it the boost from the Wax will result in absurd dmg if stacked high enough We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It is completed by killing an Imp OverlordImp OverlordLord of the Red PlaneHP: 2800 (+840 per level)Damage: 16 (+3. - Don't take Lost Seer's Lenses, as they have a glitch attached to them. My favorite build is AFK, load up on razorwires, ceremonal dagger, will o' the wisp, ect. Very easy for mul-t bc of the double equipment slots. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Members Online New to the game (by far the best $35 CAD I’ve ever spent btw) so I have a question regarding MUL-T The I-frames alone is worth is, but the healing and level traversal are also key. Reports, news, pics, videos, discussions and documentation from a studded world… unlock power mode (i think its unlocked by his void fields achievement) and go BRRRRR with double nailgun. You can start sprinting while your default shift is charging. A modified multi-purpose robot, MUL-T lives up to its designation through its sheer versatility. 5s cooldown on Transport Mode, then start stacking Gesture of the Drowned grab a blast shower and start commiting vehicular manslaughter usually i build Mul-T with all on-hit effects, attack speed and crits - essentially like you would via huntress. oh yeah imo mul t definitely outclasses loader proof: ive done an artifact of honour monsoon run with mul t and won first try if you have powermode with mul t, definitely use it as it just makes the whole game a joke, even mithrix Sep 23, 2021 · Thanks for watching! Subscribe and leave a like if you enjoyed! Feel free to leave a comment!Song used-Morrissey Fiend-Cocoa Cave - Kirby Super Star-Terraria Instead of the rebar i use the 4 rockets. Mul-T's scrap launcher sucks. The Preon Accumulator is an equipment in Risk of Rain 2. Sure, scrap launchers have AOE, and they look cool. If it helps I was on drizzle difficulty, but the wiki didn't say anything about a particular difficulty. Saw MUL-T, melee Acrid, and to an extent double nail gun MUL-T as well will heavily struggle getting close enough thanks to other enemies in the way and Xi's excessive movement. 6 so you’d need 12 to get a 100% chance with that, shatterspleen works so well with the nail gun because it doesn’t take Proc Coefficient into account More runs almost every day on twitch: https://www. Is there any way to guarantee one… Yeah, I'm late as hell on this. Captain has mad damage, and his hacking beacons make runs fly. 195K subscribers in the riskofrain community. MUL-T has the most flexible skill set compared to other survivors because of his Retool ability and his Multifunctional passive. Build up a crap ton of attack spead on loader through syringes and predatory instinct with 10 glasses, get a bit of movement speed, top it off with a few brooches and you’ve got a semi-decent build that actually uses loaders primary. I tried to do the teleporter rush, like grabbing 2 items and go. If you can't find those items just go for any 2 good equipments like Backup or Cube. For me personally, Arti, Merc, and Commando are all worse than Mul-T. On hits are good, one shot is good. ) Feb 23, 2023 · MUL-T is new survivor in the Risk of Rain universe. Get a few infusion, at least 20 repulsion armor plate and then start stacking personal shield generator. All you need is 2 tonics and a gesture to have permanent uptime. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! They don't get bungus healing but enemies just hit them less in the first place. With this in mind, the main two points is survivability and damage output. Just keep looping until you get a dio and the fight should be smoother. This is very subjective. Don't use it. On top of stuff in the other comments, I generally try to get bleed (tri tip dagger, shatter spleen) and fire (will o the wisp, gasoline, kjaros band) items, plus one death mark. You can't jump while you're using it, you can't cancel, and you can easily overshoot the node if you're not careful, causing you to 'splode if you were very close on reaching the node. 1. There are no limits to how many players may play the same character. But I keep getting my ass handed to me. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Jul 25, 2024 · MUL-T: Gotcha!は日本語版に誤植あり。「コマンドーとして」とあるが原文は「As MUL-T」でありMUL-Tでプレイする必要がある。 高火力・高体力のタンクキャラ。他キャラより一回り大きく当たり判定が大きいぶん、最大ヘルスが高く基礎アーマーもあるため耐久性に優れる。ローラーで移動している We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. about items i think he needs the general ones that everyone needs, lots of movement and attack speed, maybe some mags to spam and stun a lot with that explosive barrel attack and for legendaries i've been having alien heads (to abuse the transport mode and barrel attack) but things like The good news is one character is safe, Mul-T. LivingInFear Aug 12, 2020 @ 10:31am So does faster attack speed mean higher chances for on hit effects? Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Fave character for this is double rebar Mul-T, but it works on every character once you reach the damage threshold for band procs. 2 per level)Armor: 12Umbra: Right Tool for the Wrong Job by successfully clearing the Void Fields on stage 7 or later. Wouldn't recommend it without Command Artifact tho. They let you be more mobile too because you aren't babysitting them with bubble shields, which means you have more survivability too. Had a couple fun command runs recently with mul-t using double rebar going full crowbars + bands + atgs + blast shower + gesture + fuel cells. Well 7 daggers is a 100% chance with a 1 Proc Coefficient, MUL-T’s nail gun has a Proc Coefficient of . Nail gun is the most overall useful option, it procs a shit ton. Statistically not the best, but picking up a brilliant behemoth with mul-t nail gun is the best feeling. 630 votes, 31 comments. They have issues targetting air, but you can take thermal harpoons to kill air 29 votes, 28 comments. The challenge Verified requires you to complete the first teleporter event five times in total and is a very easy challenge to perform by playing on Drizzle and resetting after each completed teleporter event. Primaries: Huntress' Flurry (alternate primary): 15 Bandit's Burst (shotgun): 20 MUL-T's Auto-Nailgun: 17 REX's DIRECTIVE: Inject: 20 Obviously double nail guns increases Mul-t to a massive 14. Adds a great item synergy to Mul-T. If you got it, use it. that are all connected in the 40k universe. If he had good mobility, he'd be better than loader and huntress. This guide will demonstrate how to play him best. 81% each. The ballista special for Huntress is better than the arrow rain. Saw is a fun option too, the damage is huge if you can get in there but it's risky. Best done on Drizzle while using the Artifact of Command, do not build any items with bleed or outside effects that can kill the boss. Man, is it not easy. Add a few Wax Quails to that. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! MUL-T main here. Any combination of characters may be selected by the players, and each player has access to all the characters they have unlocked. Like, before Bandit and Captain were added. Mul-T is actually kind of a special case as it's not nessecarily that he's "not fun" but more so "insanely fun with the right loadoat". Everyone will say double rebar, but double rebar is barely better than saw by itself, so for versatility rebar+saw is probably best. Just get proc items like bleed, uke, atg, stickybomb, etc. ; Completing the teleport event five times will automatically unlock the MUL-T character in the game. CONS: No Rebar for early-game enemy sniping, only one Equipment, movement speed penalty. Fires preon tendrils, zapping enemies within 35m for up I'd understand rex taking a bit to type, as they'd have to use their legs to type,but mul-t probably can type insanely fast with one hand, as mul-t has the learning module connected in his chip, so they probably have picked it up from watching the other survivors, not to mention robotic precision. I am not a "hardcore" player in this game. You’ll have stomped every living thing in that stage before you know it. For MUL-T, there are 2 builds, both of which are incredible: Retool + Double Rebar: Better Vs mithrix I'm not exactly sure on the technical underpinnings of soldier's syringe and retool, but only the first one has any effect. com -Double rebar puncher, if you hold down r and m1 you have ridiculous attack speed, personally rebound the secondary skill to r and the r to m2 so i can just hold them down without having to make my hand look like a crab, seriously try it, and you may never go back to nail gun. Last Updated: Early Access Patch (Build ID #3703355) Disclaimer: I never played Risk of Rain. I'm playing on the PS4 version and trying to unlock all of MUL-T's alternate abilities. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! 212K subscribers in the riskofrain community. com/racesmusic/sets/races-god-gaming-playlistEdited by Disputed Mul-T can use 2 equipment items, so try stacking a bunch of fuel cells, gesture of the drowned and sawmerang. Some survivors took me some time to get used to their kits, but not too long to obliterate: Acrid, Mul-T, Huntress, Engi. MUL-T: Gotcha! is a challenge in Risk of Rain 2. Take note, however, that bleeds are only good with survivors that have a lot of attack speed and rapid hits in their kit, such as: Commando, Mul-t (nailgun and power saw), REX, Engineer, Capitan, Huntress (with flurry more so then with strafe, since it can build more hits with crit), Bandit, and Mersenary, to some extent. My MAIN build is crit healing. MUL-T only take a couple of movement items to become really good because of just how meaty his abilities are. I Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Members Online New to the game (by far the best $35 CAD I’ve ever spent btw) so I have a question regarding MUL-T Yo this was posted a couple yrs aho already but i thought id run it back because mul-t is such a diverse character, What Loadout do you run on Mul-t? personally, I go double rebar because when you swich back and forth it cancels the cd also retool cuz jade elephant and any other kind of distraction active item is what i prefer. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Members Online New to the game (by far the best $35 CAD I’ve ever spent btw) so I have a question regarding MUL-T Captain: Smushed. the joke here is that you will perish, for those who will need this notice As folks have said, spiked fist is a straight upgrade. lemme see han-d's hammer and snipers drones come into play and stuff (also longing for the enforcer update btw) It probably falls off harder than rebar-nailer because it won't proc as hard (and the nailer burst actually does more than the 600% damage of the rebar, but the range is horrible), but I'll definitely give that a go on a serious run and see how it works out. I can't remember the guys name but there's a dude on Youtube who plays eclipse 8 with Mul-T almost exclusively with Power Saw on one of his primaries. 209K subscribers in the riskofrain community. See the Void Fields page for some general strategy. Mahalo Nui loa Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Members Online If the void is located at the “end of time”, could the fact that most of the void enemies are crustaceans (of some sort) be playing off the theory/joke that everything evolves into crabs? Aug 25, 2022 · MUL-T - Play Style Overview. I went to the void fields and cleared it but I didn't see the banner. Despite the differences in proc coefficients, it is usually better to use MUL-T's Auto-nailgun. 6 x 10% (=6%) bleed chance per shot. He gets a few seconds of invincibility frames with all 3 dashes and his ult, which is pretty powerful, but the super powerful thing is that you can pause for a second in between each dash, allowing you to line up your next dash and get a m1 or m2 off (all of merc's skills, including his basic attack, can be I would suggest using Scrap Launcher in right hand. TLDR: Mul-T is good, but they give up a ton for a slightly better proc rate 11 votes, 10 comments. Increasing damage isn’t a priority because it’s so low to begin with, you won’t get the same bang for the buck. Mar 28, 2019 · MUL-T is a new character in Risk of Rain 2. Crit is basically good on every character, bleed is also very solid on anything that's not acrid Edit: Goat hooves and energy drinks are also very hard to get too much of, ATG'S are also very good, predatory instincts is pretty nutty as well if you have capped crit. The Wild - How I Proved This May 14, 2023 · In order to let you reach the maximum potential of Mul-T, we have formulated this Risk of Rain 2 Mul-T guide to ease off the load off your shoulders by elaborating on all the abilities and moves MUL-T with Retool, Scrap Launcher, and Power Saw Stack Paul's Goat Hoof, Red Whip, and the elemental bands turn all your lunar items into Purity to get 0. There's no good place for it, I feel like. It’s just all three of his alternates. Every hit triggers the bands, massive damage. Higher attack speed will lower the possible time period in between shots, VERY SLIGHTLY affecting reload speed. The back up mags does help with burst damage, but more importantly, Power Mode completely refreshes your secondary cooldown - get enough back up mags, and you can spam canisters, power mode to dump Scrap Launcher, exit power mode and repeat. The game is an action roguelike game that is well worth the small $4. When activated, a 2 second long charging animation plays before firing a large, slow-moving ball of energy. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. I want to spawn an overloading worm, as a few survivor challenges require killing one. MUL-T has a 0. Most items are good on mul-t as long as you do double rebar. If I’m just playing for fun I full loot every stage, if I’m trying to win I full loot until I feel like it’s unnecessary (normally after stage 2 or 3. Two Risk of Rain 2 builds can be used with Loader. 58 votes, 15 comments. PROS: Absurd damage with double Nailgun or Nailgun + Rebar, doesn't SEEM to effect proc chance, armor. He's fairly good with every thing with DR There are currently 11 playable classes available in Risk of Rain 2. In terms of items, I would definitely prioritize healing/shields and mobility over damage at first since he is so large and slow. You can easily carry your team with it if you build right. Go for 9 crit glasses, X predatory, 1-2 harvesters. Lots of fun! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 3 seconds (instead of 2. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Private due to reddit's extortionist API pricing. The skills I don't mention here either max out at 10 daggers like normal, or aren't really useful for proccing effects anyway and mentioning them would basically just clutter things up. tv/racePlaylist: https://soundcloud. In between those items you can get whatever you want, you can go for bleed, ceremonial, sentient meat hook it doesn't matter. His default kit really focuses hard on the ability to lock down an area - mines that are stronger but only if they’ve sat where they are for several seconds before they’re triggered, a shield that covers a small area from all inbound ranged attacks, and turrets that activate bungus/have longer range/won’t wander off. finally got the win with larva! anyone else been struggling with him personally? Don’t worry too much about attack speed and the shotguns. 155 votes, 11 comments. I know Mul-T and railgunner are basically just new versions of Han-D and Sniper (with the skins to prove it) but i still wanna see the whole of the old crew come to RoR2 eventually. Mul-T's regular utility isn't great for vertical traversal. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Nov 1, 2021 · Every character of Risk of Rain 2 uses different items to play efficiently. Depends on the difficulty, character, and your goal. Both are very tanky characters, with exceptional damage. Retool. tv/wooliegamingJoin our Discord: https://discord. Mul-T is a callback to ROR1’s HAN-D unit, who is actually back there in the character select screen Bandit is a callback to a conspicuous character in another hopoo game, Deadbolt. See full list on nerdlodge. Mul-T has no cooldown frames and benefits fully from every syringe, until 27 hitting his cap of 60/s. The thing is, nailgun will scale a lot better because it doesn't have a mandatory recharge time (not even a purity will make that NOT annoying), and because of it's general chance to proc (considering it has the fastest base fire rate), even with it's 0. gg/kCUYgN2 Merc is all about his utility and ultimate (the one bound to r by default I think). The player When playing MUL-T I usually feel like I have sufficient damage, but unless I get harvester's scythe with corresponding crit or leech seeds I usually get whittled down and die in the end anyway. 5 fuel cells, 2 Soulbound catalysts, 2 gotd, 2 focus crystals, 10 daggers, and most importantly the best equipment in the game, glowing meteorite. The damage can allow you to kill smaller enemies, the stun gives you a means of interrupting telegraphed attacks, the ability to pull things towards you lets you kill flying enemies you'd normally have an awkward time dealing with, and you can still grapple towards larger enemies. r/riskofrain: Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! I did it, it's pretty fun. It's the only class that can hold 2 equipment at once and can also swap out main weapon from rapid firing Auto-Nailgun to precise penetrating Rebar Puncher on the fly. I've been playing 2 since before if actually officially came out. 4 for 1 shot fired) at base attack speed. Blast Shower with gestures & fuel cells would also be good for the transport mode, since if I remember correctly (its been a while since I last played MUL-T, transport mode rams through smaller enemies, so you can proc bands multiple times with one use of transport, and it’ll also mean that you can proc them even more often against bigger enemies when you get HLABs and alien heads. Whether or not you can learn anything, or if you even clicked on the guide at all, I'm still interested to hear if you've tried playing MUL-T power-mode with two power-saw primaries and your experience! Mul-T builds Question i'm trying to get all of the moves and skins for all of the base game characters, and i only need to get Mul-T's power mode to get all of the moves, so any good builds for him would be appreciated. Because of the last syringe only increasing 10% on average Mul-T gets 14. This projectile shoots lightning bolts 3 times per second at enemies within 35m for 400% damage per bolt, each with a proc coefficient of 0. Additionally, Gaze replaces both of MUL-T's equipped primary abilities, so it hurts your overall versatility a bit. His close range / boss dps is unrivaled. To play? Captain, MUL-T, and REX. lmao man thats not me on the thumbnail, a clickbait is when u say smth in the title in a twisted way, u make people believe that they will see something in the video and eventually they dont find it, thumbnails are supposed to attract attention and that is what i tried to do, but i did not fool anyone with my titles, what is said is exactly what the video contains, it isnt a clickbait, its May 11, 2020 · So yes, increasing the rate of fire increases the number of procs, though MUL-T's nailgun has a proc coefficient below 1 so it doesn't proc on every hit. MUL-T is a great character / class to use in both single player and coop, long and close range. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. (if you don't care about viability at all double power saws is 20 procs/s) Reply reply MUL-T is a playable character in Risk of Rain 2. It's a meme build so it's never gonna be consistant in normal games, but you can still have a lot of fun! So if you are Firing all 4 shots of Scrap Launcher the cooldown timer will technically be 3. So in reality you have . You probably didn't need an answer this long anyway ;) 186K subscribers in the riskofrain community. After a while you just have dozens of saws out at once Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Members Online trying out all survivors. But Gasoline, Ukulele, Kjaro’s band, Focus Crystal, Paul’s Goat Hoof, Crowbar, Wil-o-Wisp, and ATG Missile are perfect items for Loader. 1, and explodes on contact with an enemy or terrain, dealing 8000% damage in a 20m radius 14 votes, 11 comments. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Rex is my favorite, his kit is amazing. Mul-T – Verified. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Members Online Drawing of the Bandit by Shadboya, as I said I plan to draw each survivor, I will put them all in the wallpaper of the 2nd image, progress in @shad_boya MUL-T is one of the unique survivors in Risk of Rain 2 who carries more than one piece of equipment at a time because of his Retool skull. A lot of information is already in the in-game Logbook, so I'll do my best to touch on mechanics that aren't super obvious as to not waste your time. Merc and Loader are "melee" because they themselves are projectiles. And REX just has ultimate survivability, and it gets even better with healing items. Nailgun nailgun will outperform double rebar, and nailgun rebar will have better dps and procs while still having single rebar canceling and single nailgun to fall back on if needed or in the late game. To unlock Mul-T in Risk of Rain 2, you must survive to the second stage 5 times. Watch everything melt away. Follow me on Twitch at:https://www. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Members Online Trying to beat Mithrix on monsoon with Commando has really humbled me and forced me to learn the fundamentals. twitch. I easily did Monsoon with a devastating Commando build, but when it comes to MUL-T, he is a NIGHTMARE. 1M subscribers in the lego community. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Members Online When using MUL-T's new special and taking Visions of Heresy, a Nailgun in your second slot gets dramatically reduced spread So, just spitballing here, but Mul-T has the highest base health in the game, and since most of the shield items scale with % increases, if you are trying to get tanky, he might be a good choice. . When anyone can make himself invincible, doesn't matter if you're ranged or melee. Go for drizzle, artifact of command and sacrifice. This build uses the power mode ability to use both of the power saws at once, dealing 2000% damage over and over. First of all, you shouldn't feel weak. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! In theory using Mul-T would help a lot with holding aspects. Imo easier to deal with flyin wisps early on bc i don’t have to wait so much between shots (like rebar) and have better long range accuracy than with the regular turret gun. MUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job! MUL-T's Auto-Nailgun has a very high spread, limiting its effective range against anything but larger bosses. Because his special ability inflicts 2 debuffs, you only need 2 more for death mark. Mul-T and Bandit are callbacks. Scrap launcher covers medium or close range with okay damage and slow speed. Feel free to ask any questions, start discussions, or just show off your runs! Apr 21, 2022 · MUL-T MUL-T is the second survivor to be both a PC and a BP, because of the variety in its primary skills. Since MUL-T is pretty slow, cautious slug does not really help me unless I have a lot of movement speed. Command Mul-T is up there as one of my favorites with the double nail gun + power mode. My load out is default besides the sniper being replayed by the barrel grenades, since that's all I have unlocked. Having two gear slots makes him really overpowered with the right combos. His right-click is just a cluster of damage/stun on non-boss enemies, with a couple of extra magazines these can be kind of helpful! If you utilize the nailgun burst canceling, nailgun is stronger then rebar, yes. You will never have the sustained DPS of MUL-T or Commando, however you will be able to deal a ton of damage to a bunch of enemies at once, which is very useful for crowd control and for taking some pressure off of your teammates. REX: obviously your main DPS loop is spamming M2 to cancel M1 so that you get M1's healing to sustain M2's damage. Is sort of a sustained burst DPS if you're running double Rebar, but has the same problems as PC MUL-T, lack of mobility and relies on having items to cover its weaknesses, is better with a Support. If you get some crit and predatories thats probably all the attack speed you will ever need plus the crit can be used with scythes to heal or shatterspleen for even more bleed. I'd recommend getting command and sacrifice so that you can choose items. Mul-T's scrap launcher has a degree of inaccuracy, making it relatively poor at range and against flying targets. GG. Artificer specializes in single or multi target burst damage. Loadout: Again, MUL-T, it does matter. The best part of this build is its 218K subscribers in the riskofrain community. ICBM would improve combat at range and against flying targets by increasing the chance that a rocket hits. However, most of the time a mix of both is best. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Get the Reddit app MUL-T Roadkill Build 214K subscribers in the riskofrain community. MUL-T Gesture + blast shower + bands. Another decent combo is Mul-T and any other character. In lore? Jan 19, 2023 · I should first point out that you will need to use Mul-T and have the power saw and power mode abilities unlocked. MUL-T: Seventh Day is a challenge in Risk of Rain 2. Builds . It wasn't hard, but it wasn't easy either, go on easy mode and get to rallypoint delta within 9 min, get preon, tp, get imp lord to 1/3 of its hp, get close to it and charge preon fire and it should direct hit it. Oh right, be sure to get a few harvester scythe, 100% crit, fungus, and finally razor wire. Shields regen after 7 seconds of not taking damage. Play REX for obvious reasons. I wanted to see if there were any bugs with the challenge. This build is evem more fun on swarms, where a single wisp shooting you will clear the whole stage and leave enough daggers in the air to instakill teleporter bosses. You can do the tonic build very easy as well, all you need to is 2 tonics, and one gesture of the drown and you can get permanent up time. I recommend trying to force a spinel tonic build. However, the best character without items is acrid. 203K subscribers in the riskofrain community. Prioritize crit, maybe get shaped glass too just to make sure you have enough damage In addition to its relative uselessness against Mithrix, this only works on characters who don't have a high base HP pool, meaning Acrid, Engineer, Loader, and MUL-T will find this item especially boring to use, excepting maybe Loader, but it's better to stack attack speed than Topaz Brooch to get her barrier. Dec 28, 2019 · I love the idea of it, but it feels really weak, even after buffs. Power-Saw covers only melee range with good damage. It is completed as MUL-TMUL-TMUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job!Class: Melee / RangedHP: 200 (+60 per level)Damage: 11 (+2. What's better than one missile? MORE missiles. He's easily the most consistent survivor. Apr 15, 2021 · MUL-T has the advantage of being pretty versatile items-wise. 6 proc coefficient. For… We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In fairness I've been playing Risk of Rain 2 a LOT longer than I've been playing Returns. 2 per level)Class: Melee / RangedSpeed: 13 m/sArmor: 20 with the Preon Accumulator140sPreon AccumulatorFire a ball of energy that electrocutes nearby enemies before detonating. I assume you haven't unlocked its secondary Special yet, so with Retool you can get a good mileage out of either Nailgun + Rebar launcher, or double Rebar: the former is its most versatile kit and goes really well in long runs, while the latter has amazing power in the early levels and slightly falls off later on if you haven't Apr 18, 2021 · MUL-T is one of the tankiest characters in Risk of Rain 2, but he also packs in a lot of utility. For example, when I’m running Mul-t with his double nail guns, I’m interested in tri tips, stuns, atg’s…basically anything that’s going to proc off hits is my first focus because Im scoring so many hits. That Loader build is pretty far from the one-hit monster it could be. 4 procs/s, but 1) it's not permanent 2) it's dangerous. Sadly it's pure ass vs mithrix. I've seen a decent bit of YouTube content and reddit posts about ror2, but no one ever seems to mention this little robot, and I can't imagine why. Spoilers, I guess? Final boss, hell of a fight Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Members Online I think Mithrix should not be immune to the Captian's power tazer if Artificer can freeze him and REX can root him. 570 votes, 44 comments. No other items, meaning the Mul-T has to play pretty safe but can ramp up like crazy late game. Auto-Nailgun covers medium or close range with decent damage and a fast speed. I'm not 100% on this, but if a boss type enemy is corrupted and becomes required to kill for a void cell, then if that boss is one-shot by LSL then they disappear but the void cell can't be removed, ever. I got Returns last weekend since I got a Switch for Christmas, and absolutely hated playing the OG 1 on my Xbox. Hammer boss (Mithrix) is tough, but dual rebar Mul-T has infinite range and good knockback. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Welcome to the reddit community for Vampire Survivors. Alright, best build for ANYONE, goes as follows. Rebar Puncher covers long range with good damage, but a slow fire speed. MUL-T: as above. General tips: I'm unsure how I feel about MUL-T's new R ability, and was wondering what the community thinks about it vs. It takes well over 10 syringes to make dual wielding 2 rebar at once in power mode fire as fast as the rebar + retool trick iirc. You can go any build type. true. Alternatively I think Loader's playstyle works best with shield. A while ago I tried getting skins for all survivors by obliterating single player on vanilla Monsoon. To me MUL-T skill cap is really low, but where it comes into play is knowing how to best make use of your SHIFT and 2nd Equip. MUL-T is my favorite so far. I find playing with double rebar puncher to be fun and it seems saws are too. I don’t know if you were planning on using command but the items i mentionned should be obtainable at least once with a looped run without command artifact. 204K subscribers in the riskofrain community. That said Mul-t's dual gun fire rate is enough to make up for this, but you give up mobility options, accurate ranged options, and a stun move that scales with attack speed on commando. At least one This is the challenge to unlock power mode: As MUL-T, clear the Void Fields on Stage 7 or later I have a few questions: is the void field only considered "cleared" when you've survived all 9 waves? Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Members Online If the void is located at the “end of time”, could the fact that most of the void enemies are crustaceans (of some sort) be playing off the theory/joke that everything evolves into crabs? 387 votes, 20 comments. All phases are easy to get through, he doesn't struggle at all. If you get the singularity band, it'll proc itself repeatedly if you let it. 220K subscribers in the riskofrain community. 99 price tag. 6 multiplier for item procs using its Auto-Nailgun due to its very high rate of fire. The Commando class is always unlocked by default, whereas the others must be unlocked by completing Challenges. 534 votes, 22 comments. For long range shots, the Rebar Puncher is far more effective. He a tank and a half with 200 starting HP and starting armor, 3 incredible weapons to choose from (F in chat for scrap launcher), a decent mobility option, and 2 great special moves. That being said, my favourite in the base game is MUL-T, and my favourite with the DLC is Void Fiend. The alternate M1 becomes garbage very quickly as item procs are really where all the damage ends up coming from and M2 is super straight-forward ("a bunch of enemies in a good position to AOE, guess i should AOE them"). Jul 16, 2022 · How to Unlock Mul-T in Risk of Rain 2. Make sure any items you get don't cause direct damage (TRI tip dagger, ATG, sticky bombs) play on command if possible and easiest difficulty. Mul-T goes for a capacitor + preon and picks up fuel cells and Gesture of the Drowned. Highly durable in terms of both high health and armor, it possesses the unique ability to select two of four primary weapons and utilize them in two Don’t overdo the speed because it might make the parkour part a bigger challenge if you’re walking at mach 5. 202K subscribers in the riskofrain community. Subreddit for Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2! Apr 22, 2021 · double scrap launcher if paced correctly is a nonstop accurate rolling thunder of damage love it, it's like 2880% damage every 2 seconds I used to love it when taking purity made the scrap launchers cooldown faster than the time it took to fire 4 rockets even with high attack speed, it turned mul-t into a rapid fire missile battery Players build space ships, wheeled vehicles, space stations and planetary outposts, pilot ships and travel through space to explore planets and gather resources to survive, or build with no limits in creative mode. firaw crz bup zlpsj sqdn sywmc pztk qyaqxqbd gtxhzty epoq